Fidgetech is changing the narrative

for adults experiencing autism

1 in 36 children

are identified as experiencing autism

75% of adults

experiencing autism are unemployed or underemployed

Fidgetech's mission is to inspire hope and provide dignity for those 18+ experiencing autism, to lead more meaningful and productive lives.

Fidgetech offers programs including:


    Think coding or design might be the right path for you? The Explorer program fast-tracks the discovery of talents and skills to help students explore career paths


    Vital Skills interpersonal and social training and Employment Support to generate job opportunities and placement


    Employer Neurodiversity Training to integrate neurodiverse hires effectively

  • “It is something really special. I don’t think I have ever met such a program like it, the way they treat people on the spectrum the way they do. They are willing to co-operate with us and they treat us like they would treat anyone else. They treat us like equals.”

    Explorer Program Student